Sunday, September 7, 2008

who watches those who watch the watchmen?

Finished Watchmen. Now, the answer to the big question: did it live up to the hype? Yes... and no. I loved it. I also had some issues with it. (pun intended)

The story was compelling, however; I was expecting to be on the edge of my seat throughout the read and I wasn't. Between each chapter there are "documents" (letters, magazine articles, legal papers and so forth) which provide a sort of objective exposition, leading us deeper into the lives of the characters and the world they inhabit. The advantage of this is that we are able to get almost a dozen fully fleshed out, believable characters with strengths and weaknesses, desires and fears. The disadvantage is that three quarters into the thing, when I want to not be able to put it down, I get to the end of a chapter, dying to find out what happens next, but guess what. I have to read some more documents. This disrupted the narrative and caused me to lose interest. 

This isn't too bad in the construct of a comic book. (sorry graphic novel) Keeping in mind that each "chapter" was originally an "issue." Remember though, that the whole reason bookstores can't copies of the thing stocked is because of the upcoming movie. (by the way, never before have I seen so much hype generated by a trailer alone) There is a little rule about good movies, they should SHOW, not TELL. The book follows this rule by showing these "documents", making the reader feel like part of the story. What I wonder, and am anxious to find out, is how the filmmakers chose to keep the rule (trusting they care about the rules) while still giving us sufficient character depth to drive the story.

For those of you who are thinking about reading it, or have already started, there is hope. Yes, there IS hope brothers and sisters! (today is Sunday, had to throw that in there) All I have to say is hang in there. The last chapter makes it all worth it. If the filmmakers can pull off this ending, I am sure Watchmen will make a fantastic movie.


Roy & Patty Curtis said...

Curious about Watchmen. Is it something I would like?

Heard they are changing ward boundries in Thatcher today. Also Joel Wright (Dr. and Diane's son) is in your college ward. Be nice. :-)

Hope you had a good weekend

Roy & Patty Curtis said...

Curious about Watchmen. Is it something I would like?

Heard they are changing ward boundries in Thatcher today. Also Joel Wright (Dr. and Diane's son) is in your college ward. Be nice. :-)

Hope you had a good weekend