Sunday, August 17, 2008

we need the eggs

I just watched Annie Hall for the first time in, I don't know, a couple years or so at least. Possibly one of the best films about the contradictory nature of relationships. "I would never want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member." Woody Allen quotes a joke by Groucho Marx to define his life in terms of his relationships with women. I think of all of the writers and directors I admire, I would most like to sit and have lunch with Woody Allen.  We would not talk about film at all.

Alvy, played by Allen, struggles to figure out where things went wrong with his ex girlfriend, Annie. He sifts through the pieces, their relationship, their differences, and their insecurities. Only the audience, it seems, can see how truly wrong for each other they are. Or are they? They do still try. How could they not? The two have such an attractive chemistry. Do they know something we don't? They appear to try long after each of them knows it isn't going to work. Essentially, in an effort to somehow "measure up," Annie becomes a reflection of Alvy. Though, Alvy is so neurotic and self loathing, how could he possibly love a reflection of himself? 

My question to you is this: How many times have you ended a relationship feeling confused, only to later realize that perhaps you had been sabotaging it all along?

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